Mom Psych

Singles Issues


Anger in Disputes is More About the Climate of the Marriage than the Heat of the Moment

Three Perfectionist Thoughts That Can Hurt Your Family Life

Feeling Tired? 'Social Jetlag' Poses Obesity Health Hazard

Debunking the Parenting Wars

Family Life Study Reveals Key Events That Can Trigger Eating Disorders

Worrying Can Impact Interpersonal Relationships, Study Finds

On Feminists, Attachment Parents, Tiger Moms and Wise French Mothers. Oh, and Dads

Aunt Psych's Blog

singles issues




Single Mothers Don't Delay Marriage Just to Boost Tax Credit, Study Says


MADISON, WI: April 10, 2014—When the Earned Income Tax Credit was expanded in 1993, supporters hoped it would reward poor parents for working while critics feared that it might discourage single mothers from marrying or incentivize women to have more children to boost their tax refund.

A new collaborative study done by the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Cornell University reveals the EITC has helped the working poor but hasn't affected personal choices.
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Study Finds That Single Mothers Can Reduce Stress by Playing, Engaging with Children

MANHATTAN, KS; June 19, 2012— A group of three Kansas State University researchers is studying ways to help single mothers improve their relationship with their children. Among many of their findings, they have discovered that single mothers who engage with children in daily activities—such as reading stories or playing games—may experience lower levels of stress.
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Single Parents, Happy Kids

October 10, 2007—Parenting can be much more challenging without two adults in the family to share the burden. Some of these challenges are shared by single fathers and single mothers alike, but others are more gender-specific, often because of stereotypes that permeate society's institutions. For instance, the presence of fathers in their children's life still may not be viewed as being as important as that of mothers, a mistaken impression that can have repercussions for single fathers in the workplace. At the same time, research proving that fathers perform much more than merely a biological or economic role for children presents a different challenge for single mothers, who may be made to feel their family is less than complete and their children are being shortchanged. But as research reinforces the fact that men make unique and vital contributions to children’s lives, there is also no getting around the reality that some families do function, and function very well (thank you very much) without the traditional "one parent of each gender" structure.

Must single parents feel guilty and shortchanged, or can a single father or mother raise happy, healthy children?
(Full story . . . )

Single but Not Solitary: Shattering the Myths of Singlehood

January 15, 2007—“Tell new acquaintances that you are single and often they think they already know quite a lot about you,” says social psychologist Bella DePaulo. “They understand your emotions: You are miserable and lonely and envious of couples. They know what motivates you: More than anything else in the world, you want to become coupled. If you are a single person of a certain age, they also know why you are not coupled: You are commitment-phobic, or too picky, or have baggage. . . . From knowing nothing more about you than your status as a single person, other people sometimes think they already know all about your family: You don’t have one. They also know about the important person or persons in your life: You don’t have anyone. In fact, they know all about your life: You don’t have a life.”

Published in 2006, DePaulo’s book, Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After, uses humor and often very well-aimed satire to explain (to singles as well as couples) that singles can be just as happy as their married friends.
(Full story . . . )


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